Emergency Dentistry

Chicago, Illinois

Dental emergencies tend to happen without warning, often resulting in pain and stress. If you need help, don't wait. Contact Bristle Dental Studio immediately to get your smile's health on track. We welcome patients of all ages in the Chicago area and guarantee walk-in appointments during business hours. You can count on our team for exceptional emergency dental care in Chicago!

What Constitutes a Dental Emergency?

Dental emergencies require urgent dental care to relieve severe pain, treat an infection, or save a tooth at risk. Common dental emergencies include an acute toothache, a knocked-out or dislodged permanent tooth, a broken or fractured tooth, swelling, a visible abscess in the gum tissue, or a lost crown or filling.

If you experience a dental emergency nearby, don't wait. Contact our hotline night or day for an emergency dentist appointment. We always guarantee same-day appointments during our office hours, and our dentist opens on Saturdays. If your emergency occurs outside our office hours, we are happy to offer phone consultations.

 What Are Common Dental Emergencies?

Here are some of the most common dental emergencies:

Toothache: A toothache can be excruciating and make you miserable. Make sure to contact us immediately so we can address the problem. If you have deep decay or an infected tooth, we may recommend an emergency root canal treatment to save the damaged tooth.

Knocked-Out Tooth: A knocked-out permanent tooth is a dental emergency. Time is of the essence. The sooner you get treatment, the higher the chances of saving the tooth. After calling our office for an emergency appointment, pick up the affected tooth by its crown and gently rinse it with clean water. Reposition the tooth in its socket, or if that's not possible, place it in a container of milk before heading to your emergency appointment.

Loose Tooth: A loose tooth can result from a problem requiring immediate attention, such as facial trauma or periodontal disease. Avoid disturbing the affected tooth or eating on that side until you get the emergency dental care you need.

Soft Tissue Injury: If you injure your gums, lips, or tongue, contact us for an emergency appointment to ensure there’s no damage to your oral structures. If you can't stop the bleeding even by placing pressure, head to your nearest emergency room for immediate care.

Other Dental Emergencies: Other dental emergencies may include a chipped tooth, cracked tooth, emergency tooth extraction, or broken tooth, broken filling, lost filling, broken crown, sensitivity to hot or cold temperatures, a lost crown or filling, broken dentures, or something stuck between two teeth. Whatever your concerns are, your trusted team at Bristle Dental Studio is here to help.

How Can I Lower the Risk of Dental Emergencies?

Did you know that most dental health emergencies are preventable? Keeping up with your twice-yearly dental exams and cleanings will help us uncover and treat minor decay, tooth damage, or gum inflammation, preventing any condition from progressing and requiring emergency dental services down the road.

Other things you can do to safeguard your smile include regular brushing and flossing, limiting the consumption of surgery foods and beverages, and drinking plenty of water. If you grind your teeth in your sleep, a condition called bruxism, wearing a custom night guard will protect your teeth and lower the risk of tooth damage that may require emergency care.

Emergency Dental Care Near Me

If you need an emergency dentist in the Chicago area, contact Bristle Dental Studio for assistance. Our team is committed to providing cutting-edge care for prompt relief. If you last visited a dentist over six months ago, we invite you to contact our local Chicago office to schedule an appointment today. Perhaps, we can prevent a future dental emergency altogether!

Ready to get started? Let's do it.

Our dedicated team is excited to welcome you into our family! Contact us to schedule an appointment today to get on track to a healthier, more confident smile!

We are proud to serve these Chicago areas: Wicker Park, Bucktown, Humboldt Park, Ukrainian Village and more!